Getting Started
Now that you're familiar with the NV Series endpoints, you're ready to get one installed and integrated with your Q-SYS system.

Use the NV Series Video Endpoints User Manual, available from the NV Series product page on the QSC website, to mount and connect the NV Series Endpoints.

- Using Q-SYS Designer Software, add an NV Series endpoint model to your design from the Inventory > Video tab. Repeat for any additional endpoints you have.
- Drag the endpoint's Status/Control component into your design.

Use Q-SYS Configurator (Tools > Show Configurator) to find and select the discovered NV endpoint in the list. From there, click Open Peripheral Manager. Use Q-SYS Peripheral Manager to configure the endpoint's hostname, IP address, 802.1X settings, device certificates, and password.

Select the endpoint's Status/Control component in your design, and then configure the endpoint's Properties, including its name in the design and IP streaming setting. To learn about these properties, see the Status (NV-32-H), or Status (NV-21-HU), or Status (NV-1-H-WE) topics.

- The HDMI or AV I/O Encoder or Decoder component serves as the configuration of video and audio routing in Q-SYS. Refer to the HDMI I/O (NV-32-H), or AV I/O (NV-21-HU) or AV I/O (NV-1-H-WE) topics to see what Q-SYS devices support I/O Encoding and Decoding
- For Q-SYS peripherals, add the peripheral to your Inventory first, and then drag the HDMI I/O Encoder peripheral from the device's Inventory tree into your design.
- Set its Device Type property to 'Encoder' or 'Decoder'.
- The Video Bridge component serves as the software link between the Q-SYS device that supports USB bridging and the host PC. Refer to the USB Video Bridge topic to see what Q-SYS devices support USB bridging.
- For Q-SYS Core processors, select the Core in your Inventory list and then toggle the USB Video Bridge property to 'Enabled'.
- For Q-SYS peripherals, add the peripheral to your Inventory first, and then set its USB Video Bridge property to 'Enabled'.
- Drag the Video Bridge peripheral from the device's Inventory tree into your design.

You can wire the endpoint's components directly to other Video components, in cases where you want to connect multiple endpoints to multiple video bridges, you can use the Mediacast Router. Refer to the USB Video Bridge and Mediacast Router topics to learn more.

Press F5 to save the design to the Core and run it. Double-click any of the endpoint's Video components to open the control panel, and then adjust the endpoint's controls as desired.