
Component objects allow access to Named Components in the design. Create a Named Component by typing a unique, non-default name in any component block.


Code Name / Script Access

Q-SYS will automatically assign any added component a unique name for external control and scripting control purposes. The Code Name and Script Access can be set in the Properties for any component.

The Code name will also display over the top-left of a component when selected, or hovering over with the pointer.

Note: This function takes the place of Named Components. While it is not expected to affect existing designs, it is possible that adjustments may be needed to some scripts and/or Code Names.

Script Access Properties

Property Function Choices
Code Name

Displays the currently assign name for control access. This may be customized.

Q-SYS will automatically check all Code Names in the design to ensure name is unique.


User Defined

Script Access

Defines whether the component will be accessible by script and/or externally, or not at all.



