Control Link

The Control Link component allows you to link controls from different designs running on Cores on the same Q-LAN or other specified network. Control linking works on a server / client basis. You can have one server, and many clients. The server and client(s) are identified by the Direction, and linked based on the Link Name given them in the components properties. You place a server Control Link in one design, and the client Control Link in the other, both configured with the same controls. The easiest way to do this is to configure one component then copy and paste into the other, making sure you change the Direction property to the correct direction. Once the two are linked, their controls are linked and follow which ever one changes. If a control has a different value in the client than the value in the server, the control in the server takes precedence.

When you initially place a Control Link in the schematic, and open the Control Panel, there are no controls. You must add the controls from the list provided in the component's properties.

Note: Emulation mode does not support Control Link.