Loudspeaker Monitor

When loudspeakers are connected to a CXD-Q, CX-Q, DPA-Q, or DataPort amplifier, you have the capability to monitor the output of the amplifier connected to a particular band of the loudspeaker (the direct input to the loudspeaker band). The Loudspeaker Monitor component provides the means to get the signal from the monitored loudspeaker to an output suitable for monitoring. For example, in your Schematic, you can connect the Loudspeaker Monitor's audio Output to a Line Out card, then to an amplifier that powers loudspeakers in a control room. Once the connections are made, you can control the Gain or Mute the signal to the "monitor" loudspeakers.

Note: You must have the Loudspeaker Monitor component in your design for the monitor functions on any of the loudspeakers to operate.