Control Function

The Control Function applies the selected function to all of the inputs with the output being the result. Can be used to vary controls in ways other than a 1:1 ratio, trigger an action when one control becomes greater or less than another, and more. The Control Function provides logical, positional, and value related functions.

For Logical Functions, logic-type input controls produce 1 and 0 outputs, position and value controls use > or < midpoint of the input control to produce a 0 or 1 output.

For Positional Functions, logic-type input controls produce 1 and 0 outputs, position-type and value-type input controls produce 0.000 to 1.00 based on the position of the control regardless of the value.

For String Functions, string-type input controls produce true and false outputs based on whether the strings match at each input. Matching is also case sensitive.

For Value Functions, logic-type input controls produce 1 and 0 outputs, position-type input controls produce 0.000 to 1.00 based on the position of the control, value-type input controls produce the actual value of the control.

Text type inputs and outputs are not available with the Control Functions. However, if you need to use a text input or output, you can place a control, that can convert the text to a value, between the text-type control and the Control Function. (Text Edit box > Generic Integer control > Control function > Generic Integer > Text Display)

There are no audio connections for this component, so all connections are to and from Control Pins.

You can have the Control Pin output of one type of control going through a Control Function, and performing that operation on a different type of control, or the same type of control. You need to keep in mind, especially for the Value type controls, that ranges on controls are not always the same, so the results are not always one-to-one. There are some controls, like a Gain fader, that has more precision from 0 dB to 20 dB than from 0 dB to -100 dB, so the results will vary accordingly.

To get a feel for the results you can achieve, drag a component into a design that has various types of controls in it, for example a Mixer. Then connect the output Control Pin(s) of the Mixer to the input Control Pins of the Control Function component. Add a Custom Controls component to the design. Add as many different control types to the Custom Control component as you can, or want, make the count on all the controls only one because there is only one output from the Control Function component. Then Emulate or Save to Core & Run, and start experimenting to see the effects of the various Control Functions on the various types of controls. Next, use your imagination!