Audio Player

The Audio Player plays audio files meeting the following requirements:

The Audio Player features a Control Pin named Location. This Control Pin allows you to enter a number of seconds via Lua script, or a custom control, and move to that spot in the file before pressing the Start button, or during playback.

CAUTION: If you upgrade your hard drive, you will lose any files you had on the flash drive. Back up the files prior to upgrading.

The files can be loaded onto the Core using the Q-SYS Core Manager > Files page.

When setting the Properties of the Core, you set the maximum number of tracks the design requires, either the default of 16 or, 64, or 128. If the Core has not been upgraded to the number of tracks requested in the Core Properties, the design will fail to compile. Audio tracks can be divided between multiple Audio Players, as the system designer sees fit. The total number of Audio Player tracks in a Q-SYS design cannot exceed 16, 64 or 128 based on the options you have purchased.

Note: If you play a multi-track file on the Audio Player, be sure that your Track Count for the Audio Player is set to the same number of tracks as your file. If not, the Audio Player plays only the first n number of tracks from the file.